
Graham Swinney


Graham graduated from the University of Sydney in 1987. He then moved to New Zealand where he was an Assistant Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine at Massey University from 1988-1990. From 1990-1991 he undertook a medical residency at the University of Queensland. Graham returned to the University of Sydney in 1993 where he was a Registrar in Small Animal Medicine. During this time he achieved his Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Canine Medicine. From 1999 to 2005 Graham worked as a Clinical Track Assistant Professor at Washington State University. He returned to Sydney in 2005 and spent the next four years at the Veterinary Specialist Centre before returning to the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sydney (UVTHS) in 2009 as a Specialist in Canine Medicine. Since 2011 Graham has been at IDEXX Laboratories, working as an Internal Medicine Consultant and Medical Affairs Veterinarian. He has interests in clinical pathology, endocrinology and gastroenterology.


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